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How to Get Your Hands on Long Tail Keywords
By this time, it is well-known the fact that keywords are needed for content optimization. Without them, it is very hard to make your content appreciated by search engines. Keywords are so much needed that there are even tools used for finding the best keywords for the content you are about to create. Still, there’s a bad side to this aspect. The keywords you are finding and looking to use are found and used by others as well. So, how can you differentiate your content from the rest? The answer lies in long tail keywords. But, these keywords are not so easy to find. Once you find them though, they will be more effective at reaching your target audience and increasing your conversion rate.
What on earth are long tail keywords?
Does the “long tail” keyword concept sound strange to you? As the name suggests, these are longer than regular keywords, as they are groups of two or more words. So, yes, it would be more correct to say that they are phrases, not just words. Because you are using several words at once, ideally five or more will help you reach a better-defined audience group. This is due to the fact that they are more than just generic keywords everyone is finding. When it comes to key phrases, you can make them more specific and relevant, both for your content and for the audience group you’re looking to reach.
How can one find such keywords?
As mentioned earlier, it will take a bit of time and attention to find key phrases. Still, the best way to start looking for your long tail keywords is to start with basic keywords. You first need to find the basic keywords that will help rank your content because only then you will be able to narrow things down. Knowing the broader keywords will provide a direction for your long tail keyword search. What’s the best way to find out what people are looking for in terms of information? Well, Google itself gives you a good insight, if you look at the bottom of the page when you’re searching for something in particular. There, you will find several key phrases related to your keyword search.
You can use the phrases Google gives you to seek those that will work best in your case. Also, don’t hesitate to check out what Google suggests when using particular keywords for your search. When typing down a keyword or keywords in the search field, you will see a list of potential phrases appearing underneath. These are suggestions of relevant searches that may be of great use to you. You can also check out the information people are looking for on forums, various boards, or online discussions. How to know which forums or boards are relevant in your case? Just Google the desired keywords by adding the word “forum” or “board” to the combination. You should be able to find on which forums where those keywords used.
Using a tool like “Answer the Public” can also give you great clues about what people are interested in. And this tool is so easy to use. There’s a search bar you can use, so just type a keyword there and wait for the results. You will get to see a plethora of questions asked by people, based on that particular keyword. “Google Search Console” is another great tool to find out which keywords can bring best ranks. So, if you’re interested in search by position, this is one of the methods that will help you see what keywords are best to be used to increase your ranks. Once you find the keywords, you can work your way toward finding the best phrases or long tail keywords.